Meaningful moments in our everyday...

Yesterday I was on the phone in my office when I looked out the window and saw one of our maintenance staff rising high into the air on a lift.  He was preparing to do some cleaning at the tippy top of our building.  It looked amazing.  I quickly asked the office to page the whole school and say, "There is something really cool happening outside the front office, if you want to come and see."  Some of the classes started to appear outside the front office.  The children started to scream with joy and excitement as they saw what I saw.  Kevin from our school staff was soaring to the top of our building with an extended duster to clean dust balls and spider webs.  The piece of equipment he was riding was outside the school in the morning as the children walked in.  Some of them had asked me what it was and what it was called.  How amazing that they were able to see it in action.  
Kevin was thoughtful enough to lower down and give two teachers a ride up.  The children shouted with glee again as their teachers rose to the sky!  I felt like I was watching a scene from the Mary Poppins movie! 
How often do we have moments like this?  Do we take time to notice and do we take the time to appreciate the moment and share it with ourselves and/or our children?  Their smiles, and faces of deep concentration as they watched was remarkable.
I am grateful we paged the classes, I am grateful they came out and I am grateful the children enjoyed and learned while they watched this machine in action.  From the simple to the larger moments that happen throughout our day there is an importance to taking notice and the quality of our children's lives can only be enhanced with this intention to pause and observe. There is so much magic in these simple moments. A butterfly flying by, the leaves rustling in the wind, the moments are there when we take the time to notice. So often we have a self imposed time line that encourages us to miss these moments.  Yes, we have schedules, appointments, and places to be but in between all of that there is wiggle room, and if we search for it we can use that wiggle room wisely!
Today as I leave my house in the pouring rain and head to work I wonder what I will see!


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